Monday, August 12, 2013

Thou Shalt Not Mock....

Of course, this made a few libs' heads explode.


  1. Of course their widdle heads will expwode, because how DARE anyone mock Teh One (tm)?!? Never mind the fact that the libtards use every opportunity to mock libertarians, conservatives, and Repubs in every media known to mankind (I love it when someone pokes fun at Sarah Palin's "I can see Russia from my house!"...that particular misrepresentation makes such a pleasant sound when it comes crashing down). Its okay when they do it to someone else, but not okay when someone else does it to them. Gotta love the hypocrisy.

  2. I heard yesterday that this guy got fired and banned from the rodeo(?). Barry is the true Untouchable. Imagine if it had been a Bush mask five years ago. It would have been laughed about or not even reported (more likely). It's the end of the World as we knew it.
