Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Tell me again why I fucking care...


     I have noticed what seems to be a slight upswing in articles on yahoo that portray dEar leader in somewhat of a negative light.  In all actuality, any article like this is an upswing, because yahoo sucks Barry's nutsack as much as any other MSM, but I digress.  Now, I have to admit that I take certain perverse pleasure in reading the comments below the stories, because some of them are absolutely hilarious (both intentional and not).  Rarely, however, do I post comments there, because I don't feel the need to fuel those fires any further.  I have recently dropped a couple of comments against my better judgment, and it seems like I always get the same response from the lib crowd.

"Your guy did it first".

     I guess this response must be in some fucking liberal handbook somewhere, because that shit gets dropped more than any other line I've seen.  Regardless of what the issue is, some dumbshit out there almost always will come up with a comparison to George Bush (or occassionally Ronald Reagan), to justify in their shit encrusted brain why it is ok for it to be happening now...again....magnified.

     Let me clue you in, Sparky.  I do not give a rat's ass who did it first, or when, or why.  If it is wrong, it is wrong.  If somebody steals my car, it doesn't give me automatic license to go steal somebody else's.  That line of "logic" is exactly why nothing is getting fixed in Washington.  Stop using the past to make excuses for the present, and the future.

     By the way, that "your guy did it first" argument actually makes valid the argument of a lot of patriots, but you really aren't hearing what they are saying...it's the government that is corrupt.

All of them.