Tuesday, July 29, 2014

It's been awhile

   I have to admit, it has been way too long since I posted anything.  I'd love to tell you guys how busy my life is, and that I just don't have time for this shit, but the truth of the matter is that my give-a-fuck-o'meter is stuck on dead ass zero.  I have tried repeatedly to get on here and post, just to get to a blank page and tell myself "what fucking difference does it make anyhow?"

   It aint like I aint got anything to write about.  I keep up with all the worldly BS by reading tons of blogs and news sites pretty much every day. As a result, I have about fifteen topics a day I could go on a rant about.  Nope, I aint lacking for material...not with this administration running the carnival rides.  I'm starting to think that maybe, just maybe, there's way too much shit that needs addressing. 

   They say Karma's a bitch.  I just wish Karma operated on my timetable.  Oh well, what's that French saying for "I give the fuck up?"

   Oh yeah...."C'est la vie".




  1. Those that do not study history are doomed to repeat it. Unfortunately, those that DO study history are doomed ... to watch EVERYBODY ELSE repeat it .

    1. Man, you said it. Its like this planet just keeps going in the same circle, every few years its a new group pulling the same old shit.

  2. Been there, done the burn out and have the drop in readership to prove it (too lazy to buy the t-shirt).

    It aint like I aint got anything to write about.

    One of the things that keeps me going is the idea we need to show how many people are thinking/feeling the same way. We need to know and SHOW we aren't alone out here. Yes, we often say the same thing but think of how it looks to someone searching on a subject- perhaps for the first time -- when they google something and thousands and thousands of pages show up with our view point instead of the nanny-state,anti-rights cultists.

    Bob S.

    1. That's a really good point. Probably the reason I read so many blogs, and how I found them to begin with, is because I just knew I couldn't possibly be the only one in the world shaking my head and wondering what the hell was going on. Thanks for the comment!

  3. Man - I couldn't have said it better. I think I tried to post something a while back about growning cynicism, blah blah, blah.... But it comes right down to the give-a-fuck-o-meter. Mine's pegged at zero.
