Tuesday, March 17, 2015

No more ordering black coffee

If you follow my blog at all, you know I got the blog name and my moniker from what I do.  I own my own coffee shop, and I roast all my own beans.  Please, whatever you do, do not compare me to Starbucks.  I actually take pride in my product, and make it available to the world without exhorbitant costs or a bunch of pretentious bullshit.  My latte art is more comparable to Rorschach than Rembrandt.  Anyhow, I ran across this little article about how Starbucks is telling their baristas  to have conversations about race with their customers.  I know I'm just a little mom and pop business, and Starbucks is this great big corporate giant, and I really have no business telling them how to conduct their business, but this idea is loaded from tongue to tailgate with fail.  I'm imagining all of these college aged yuppie entitlement fucktwits trying to "educate" people who've actually had more life experiences than keg stands and overdue thesis papers, and I'm not seeing this end well.  I'm sure that there will be people who will be willing to have discussions with the racially enlightened purveyors of peruvian, but I see those conversations falling into one of two categories;

 1.) heated arguments in which the persons mind was never going to be changed,resulting in the customer choosing to not be assailed with false sanctimony from a barely pubescent goober pouring flowers and leaves on coffee for a living, losing said customer forever, or

2.) a conversation with like minded individuals that actually does nothing to further racial relations anywhere, but leaving both participants with a false feeling of both exuberance and accomplishment, which is equally as pretentious as Starbucks main product.

But, I'm just a little fish in a big sea.  Good luck with your social experiment, Starbucks.

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