Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Better late than never, I suppose

Sometimes I sit back and wonder if I'm a little late to the game.

   I really didn't start watching what was happening in politics until just a couple of years ago, and even then I read with a fairly high degree of cautious optimism.  What I mean is, I looked at people like Breitbart as being a little over the top when it comes to Big Guvurnmint Paranoia.  Fortunately, I continued reading and researching, and stumbled my way into a lot of blogs that provided a lot of information, and I am now a believer that we are living in a country that is more like another Bourne movie than I like. 

   My point here is this;  If we are right, and the fecal matter is approaching contact with a rotary cooling device, where do I fit in?  I suffer from no illusion about physically holding my own against 20 something MMA fighters.  That aint happening.  I know I can drop a mule deer at 500 yards with a single shot without hesitation, but I aint a match for a hellfire missile or a drone strike.  Heck, I probably don't even have enough food to last more than a couple of months.  Did I wait too long to figure this out, or is there a place at the table for all?

I guess that when the time comes, that question will answer itself.  Until then, it's time to start taking care of the issues I can.


  1. No better time than the present. And while 3% were active Revolutionary soldiers, there was another community who supported and aided those who could fight. I count myself among that community. Can't be on the front lines, but I will do whatever I can to support and care for those who do.

    1. Hey Angel, thanks for the shout. I agree with the support thing. I just wish that if all this hads to happen, that it would have happened about 20 years earlier.

    2. Yes, 20 years ago and you and I would be right there in front but the way I look at it, now is better than 20 years from now when my kids and grand kids will have to fight. As far as not keeping up or being able to go toe to toe with 20 something MMA bouncer looking types, you would be amazed at how much good you can do by not being noticed.

  2. Angel sent me. Don't know if that is the good news or bad...
    Can we look forward to some coffee tips? I am a big fan of Blue Mountain. (blend, can't afford pure Blue Mtn.)


    1. If you wanna hear my take on coffee, I'm always glad to share. I'm doubt that I'd really be considered an expert, but I always have an opinion.

    2. Just throwing out ideas if things get slow after Zero and Holder resign.
      Just if anything strikes you coffee wise you might share it. Now if you ran a bacon shop...


  3. Welcome to the blogworld! Angel sent me :)

  4. Consider yourself smarter and more observant than about seventy percent of your fellow citizens just for noticing things just ain't right.

    Welcome to the fold.

    I'll be putting you on my Blogroll over at The Vulgar Curmudgeon as soon as I am done typing.

    Oh yeah, Angel sent me.


  5. Thanks to everyone for the welcome, and the adds on the blog rolls too.

  6. Noticed your blog on Angel's site, but life interfered (ie, wife had something for me to do), so it was BobS from 3BoxesofBS that had the link that got me here. Tag-team, I guess you'd call it.

    Anyway, I'm in a similar boat as you. 20 years ago I was young, fit, and going through my Navy schooling. I knew crap about politics, but I knew I distrusted Clinton (with good reason). Nowadays, I've finally gotten my wife to try shooting, which she found that she loved to do, gotten our CHL's, and are working on increasing our SHTF preps and such. There's no way I could jog 20 miles anymore, and I have no skills in woodworking or blacksmithing or building IEDs or hunting or anything, but I know I can learn, and every little bit that I can do may free up some young buck to go take the fight where it belongs. I have moved into the support role, and I'm fine with that, but more importantly, my job right now is to start training up the generations to come. I hope and pray my daughter never has to go through anything like that, but if it comes down in the next 10 or 15 years, she'll be ready.

    1. However you got here, you still got here. Thanks for the shout out. Maybe thats what this blog should be about. A bunch of folks that are about 20 years too late for the good stuff, trying to figure out how to attend the party anyhow.
